Veterinary Practice Uses Lug-All Cable Hoists for Dairy Services

Valleywide Veterinary Services is a dairy and food animal veterinary practice located in Bridport, Vermont. They provide a wide range of services, including herd health, milk quality, newborn care, and other services. Valleywide Veterinary Services focuses primarily on dairy farms, but they serve local farmers with sheep and goats as well.
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We had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Dave Rockwell of Valleywide Veterinary Services about their use of Lug-All Come Along Ratchet Winch Hoists. Their services include performing certain abdominal surgeries on cows, and they use Lug-All model 3000-10 cable winch hoists in the process.
When performing a surgery, the veterinarian sedates the cow, then lays it on the ground to begin operating. They attach straps the cow’s front and back feet, which they connect to their Lug-All hoists. They then use the hoists to hold the cow in position for the duration of the surgery.
Dr. Rockwell told us that Valleywide Veterinary Services has been using Lug-All hoists to position cows for surgeries for more than 20 years. One reason is the size; he explained that the relatively small hoists make transportation easy and convenient. Portability is important because they do all of their work at their clients’ various farm operations. The small size of the Lug-All come alongs makes it easy to transport between different farms and to remote locations.
The Lug-All winch hoists can also be set up quickly, so the veterinarian can achieve a mechanical advantage easily. Dr. Rockwell also noted that the Lug-All hoists have proven to be very sturdy, which keeps the animals secure while the veterinarian operates. These features are both extremely important when dealing with large animals, such as cows. These features, and the fact that the hoists are easy to use, makes them the ideal tool for Valleywide Veterinary Services’ needs.