Benefits of Customizing Lug-All Hoists for Utility Applications

Linemen and utility workers make up a large portion of Lug-All users. Many electrical utility applications require equipment with similar features and capabilities, but no two applications are identical. To make Lug-All come along ratchet winch hoists as useful and effective as possible, we offer a large selection of customizable features and hoist configurations.
Choosing the custom elements that work best for different applications can be crucial for many linemen. These options allow you to select the exact hoist that will allow you to use your Lug-All winch hoist with the greatest efficiency and versatility.
Lug-All Options
One feature you can choose from is the use of a web strap line or a wire rope line. Web strap hoists and wire rope hoists are offered as distinct Lug-All models, and you can select different options within the web strap and wire rope categories. Typically, web strap hoists are better suited for utility applications because the nylon-polyester webbing is safer to use around electricity.
Popular options for web strap winch hoists include custom handle lengths and custom shorter web lengths. Custom handle lengths can be used for working in tight spaces. A custom handle can be swapped with the standard handle by removing the wing nut that secures the handle to the U-frame. Shorter web lengths can reduce the amount of excess line when working with short distances, allowing you to work more quickly. Other options include available hot stick rings, various hook options, rapid lowering capability, and more.
One Tool, Many Jobs
Customizable options are great for utility work because they allow you to include all of the features you might need for any job you might expect to do. Depending on where you work, daily tasks can vary greatly. Customizing your Lug-All winch hoist can help you to be ready for any challenge that might come up on the job.
One job that many linemen have done that isn’t a part of their everyday duties is recovery work after a natural disaster. Hurricanes and other disasters damage and destroy huge amounts of electrical infrastructure every year. To restore power to businesses and residents, linemen have to be some of the first people to respond when storms take down power lines.
We’ve talked with several linemen who have shared their stories about working on disaster recovery operations. One common thread was daily jobs that weren’t typical line work. From rebuilding entire sections of power lines to clearing storm debris, new and unusual situations can arise frequently in natural disaster recovery operations. Often, the versatility and functionality of a custom Lug-All winch hoist allows workers to use a single tool for many different tasks.
When your job can vary day-to-day, you want a tool that will be able to meet a range of demands. By choosing the custom elements that work best for you, you can get the exact Lug-All come along ratchet winch hoist that you need.